Satellite spots mystery pattern in Coventry countryside

What is this mysterious pattern?

What is this mysterious pattern?


A researcher was left bemused after stumbling across images of a peculiar spiral shape in the Coventry countryside.

Historian Chris McCauley was researching the Knight’s Templar when he spotted a mystery spiral pattern on satellite maps of an area in Temple Balsall.

The shape carved into the ground is about 30cm in length and was discovered in the tiny hamlet founded by the fabled Knights Templar 1,000 years ago. 

Speaking to the Coventry Telegraph about his discovery, McCauley said: 

“I was looking at the map and noticed something quite distinctive in the landscape; it appears to be some kind of spiral.

“Since I was unable to find any record of this marking, and the fact that it hasn’t even been acknowledged/reported as a crop circle, I can only hope that this maybe a genuine undiscovered archaeological feature.”

The area near Balsall Common is already shrouded in mystery after a magnificent crop circle featuring an 18-point star was discovered just half a mile from this more recent sighting. 

At the time, investigators claimed that the police obstructed visitors from the site, and that internet reports were deleted.

The circle, which also encompassed a central sun, eight-point star, pyramids and a number of oval-shaped ‘helmets’ was thought to have religious, spiritual or scientific meanings due to its similarity to the Cross of St John, a Lotus flower and a rose compass, and its mathematical properties.

Spiderdog, Spiderdog, does whatever a Spiderdog does (HILARIOUS video)


Watch out for... Spiderdog!

Watch out for… Spiderdog!

If you have a fear of spiders then this might not be suitable viewing.

But those looking for a thrill can watch as a terrifying Spiderdog terrorises locals.

The eight-legged freak, known as DogSpider, is the brainchild of Polish prankster Sylwester Wardega and is actually his pet Chica in disguise.

The footage shows the darkened creature running around the streets of Poland, scaring those he passes.

At one point, while lying in wait in a lift, DogSpider sets his sights on two unsuspecting women waiting to get in, who end up running off screaming.

Later we see a person hanging from a web in the park at night. A couple out on a stroll spot the man, and as the boyfriend edges forward out darts DogSpider from the bushes and the couple scream as they are chased out of the park.

But maybe the scariest moment of the video comes when a man walks through an underpass to find hanging ‘body parts’ at the other end. As he stops to take it all in, DogSpider creeps up on him from behind and chases the man straight into a spiderweb where he is quickly tangled. The man frantically pulls himself out of the web before running off in fright.

As a viewer, this stunt is extremely amusing, but less so for those unfortunate victims of the prank.


Depressed dogs finally find their voice

9174102_SMost dog owners will usually have a misguided belief that they can ‘communicate’ with their animals, that they have a deep bond with the canine.

“We really understand each other.” Yes, of course you do.

Well, all this could change; new technology promises to breakdown the language barrier and allow keepers to understand what is really going on inside their animals’ furry little heads.

The PetPace collar monitors a dog’s temperature, heart rate and breathing activities. The smart collar then texts or emails the owner an alert if any of the readings suggest there is a problem.

It can help to examine the health of the animal and offer early indications should there be a problem on the horizon. It can supposedly even tell you if the four-legged friend is sad or perhaps it has ingested too much of its own excrement.

Dr Asaf Dagan, chief veterinary scientist at PetPace said: “This collar will enable pets, for the first time, to ‘tell’ us how they feel.

“Most importantly, out smart collar will allow veterinarians to provide better medicine and better service to their patients while sealing the bond with pet owners.”

It would seem that the relationship between man and his best friend has truly entered the digital age. And for those wanting to build a deeper understanding of what’s going on with their precious pooch the product is going to go on sale next year for $150 (£90).

Sexless spreadsheet lands husband in hot water


Sexual frustration can manifest itself in wild and crazy ways, but one man has channeled his excessive libido into an altogether more structured release.

Below is a picture of the spreadsheet an unsatisfied husband sent his wife that listed all the excuses she had given for not wanting to play a game of hide the sausage. Unfortunately for our Excel Romeo, the stunt backfired when the aggrieved wife posted the picture on Reddit, causing it to go viral within hours.

Sexy spreadsheet...

Sexy spreadsheet…

The user, throwwwwaway29, wrote on the social community site: “My husband sent me an immature, inflammatory email as I was driving to the airport for a 10-day work trip. I opened it and it’s a sarcastic diatribe basically saying he won’t miss me for the 10 days I’m gone. According to his “document”, we’ve only had sex three times in the last seven weeks, out of 27 “attempts” on his part.”

Communication is the key to a successful marriage, or so say they say. And while the husband’s very organised approach to tackling the problem is admirable, this 21st Century attempt at foreplay is seemingly not going to work. Indeed, most marriage counsellors would probably admit that sending a passive aggressive email with an attached spreadsheet is not going to be best the way to initiate a bit of hanky panky. After all, nothing says sexy like tabular software!

What will humans look like in 100,000 years’ time?

It is estimated that Homo sapiens began to evolve into what we would recognise as ‘early man’ around 300,000 years ago. In the intervening period – a mere blink in the Earth’s history – humankind has changed in numerous and substantial ways.

We have got taller, we stand more upright, we have less pronounced brows and generally sport a little less body hair. But such is the transformation our species has undergone in this time, that we are bound to ask the question of what we will look like in the distant future.

Well, Washington University has used computational genomics to predict just that. The results, which you can see below, are somewhat bizarre.

While there is going to be little change over the next 20,000 years, by the time we reach the year 102014 there are going to be some odd alterations. Most prominently our eyes are going to be far larger, almost resembling something out of a Japanese Manga comic. This is supposed to accommodate are growing use of technology, particularly wearable teams like Google Glasses.

Nickolay Lamm, who led the study, also predicted that our skin is going to become far darker to help protect us from harmful UV rays. Furthermore, denser hair is predicted to insulate our larger heads while nostrils will also increase in size to make breathing in potentially less suitable environments easier.

In reality, this can only ever be speculation, one possible outcome should human life continue down a particular path. Nevertheless, it is intriguing to imagine the subtle ways in which we will continue to adapt to the modern world we have created for ourselves; assuming we don’t all blow each other to pieces long before then.

XO - Today

XO - 20,000XO - 60,000

How we will look in 20,000 years

Human evolution – today, 20,000 years’ time, 60,000 years’ time and 100,000 year’s time


Mother of four gobbles up rivals in burger eating contest

This looks delicious... can I have 25 more please?!

This looks delicious… can I have 25 more please?!

When you think of eating contests, you probably imagine rows of impressively obese men hunched over a mound of hot dogs showing a complete disregard for the importance of mastication.

It might surprise you, therefore, to see the latest winner of the coveted Z-Burger’s Independence Burger Eating Contest, Molly Schuyler. The slight, unassuming woman is renowned on the eating contest circuit but still surprised everyone when she inhaled 26 burgers in the 10-minute time limit to become the first person without a Y chromosome to claim the trophy, bagging $1,500 prize money in the process too.

Molly boasts an impressive gastronomical CV; she once scoffed 363 chicken wings in 30 minutes. Speaking after the Z-Burger eat-off, she said: “Most girls won’t do it because they think it’s gross but I have no shame.”

The mother of four, who tips the scales at a meager 120 pounds (eight-and-a-half stone), has also noshed down a 72-ounce steak, three kilograms worth of burgers and a giant five-pound pizza (not all at the same time, it should be noted) to win eating contests across the US.

But in a career of such gluttonous highs, this latest victory is sure to taste sweeter than the rest. Take a look at the woman in action…

Student reborn out of stone vagina

Imgur/ Erick Guzman

Imgur/ Erick Guzman

We all enter the world kicking and screaming from our mother’s lady parts. Magical, maybe, but not the most pleasant experience all the same.

Luckily, while the parents may never forget it, the child has no memory of the birthing experience. Well, that all changed for one unfortunate man.

Goaded on by his mates, an unnamed US exchange student in Germany climbed into a stone vagina. However, no sooner had he crammed himself inside the rocky imitation of a woman’s nether regions than he found himself impossibly stuck.

Helplessly caught inside the sculpture of the sexual orifice, which stands outside the microbiology and virology department of Tübingen University, our anonymous victim of peer pressure had no choice but to call emergency services for help while his friend (thankfully) took a picture (which has since gone viral). Help came in the form of a 22-strong team of firefighters who reported to the scene of the incident to pull the fully-grown male from the oversized birthing canal.

No damage was done to either the art installation – that has a value of almost £100,000 – or the born again student, although his self-esteem might have taken a bit of a beating.

The fire crew’s report simply reads: “A person trapped in a stone vulva”. All in a day’s work.

Imgur/ Erick Guzman

Imgur/ Erick Guzman

Smuggling attempts: five of the best

This is not the kind of crocodile bag you want to see on a plane...

This is not the kind of crocodile bag you want to see on a plane…

Christopher Mitchell has shot to internet notoriety over the past few days after the obese 42-year-old American was caught by police trying to smuggle drugs in his rolls of fat.

The man, otherwise known as ‘Biggie’ or ‘Fatboy’, was concealing cocaine and 23 grams of marijuana under his stomach fat and while this was not the criminal highpoint of the century, it did get us thinking about the best smuggling attempts ever reported. Here are five of the finest:

5. Fully aware of the irony of his actions, a man in New York was once arrested while transporting a date rape liquid drug inside a bottle of ‘Holy Water’.

4. Inevitably this technique was always going to surface… Ukrainian Svetlana Ivanyshka was rumbled on the border after customs officers caught her trying to smuggle a bag of hashish inside a vibrator. She had hidden the drug in the sex toy’s battery compartment, which was hidden inside her own compartment, for want of a better term.

3. A truly bizarre story: a man in the Democratic Republic of Congo once tried to get a crocodile on an airplane in his hand luggage. Worryingly, he was successful and was only found out when the reptile crawled free near the end of the flight. At the sight of the croc, passengers and crew rushed to the front of the plane, causing a redistribution of weight which caused the aircraft to nosedive, resulting in 21 people dying. The crocodile survived the crash.

2. Less sinister than some of the stories above but disturbing all the same, a woman and her daughter were found in Liverpool airport trying to get a dead corpse on a plane. The pair put the recently deceased body of the woman’s husband in a hat and sunglasses and pushed the ‘sleeping’ man through customs in a wheelchair before officers cottoned on to what was happening.

1. A few years ago a Chilean man decided to capitalise on the misfortune of breaking his shin by finding an ingenious way of turning things back in his favour. He opted to make his leg cast out of the slightly more expensive material of cocaine and then attempt to travel into Barcelona. Officials caught the man and it eventually transpired that he had broken his leg intentionally so he could get the solidified white powder into the country.

Puppy love: Peruvian pooches tie the knot

For better or for woofs

For better or for woofs

There are few more precious things in this world than the sweet sanctity of marriage and now it seems the dreams of walking down the aisle extends beyond the human species.

Around 40 dogs in the Peruvian capital of Lima have tied the knot in a mass canine wedding ceremony. Wearing white wedding frocks and black tuxedos, the furry pets yapped their vows while their undoubtedly barking mad owners watched on with tears in their eyes.

The district of San Miguel even went as far as to issue wedding certificates to the owners which featured the paw prints of the happy couples. Engraved matching collars, a buffet of meat chunks covered in gelatine and a dance to Baha Men’s appropriately named hit single ‘Who Let The Dogs Out’ all followed.

The video below from Sky News captured the magical moment, with some of the pooches seemingly (and understandably) overwhelmed by the gravity of the commitment they had just made.

Form an orderly queue ladies: murderer appears on dating show

Third time's a charm: Sefer Calinak killed two perviously lovers

Third time’s a charm: Sefer Calinak killed two previous lovers

People who choose national television as a suitable dating platform are probably never going to be the exemplification of normality, but a man in Turkey has stunned the world when his past came out on ‘Luck of the Draw’.

Sefer Calinak, 62, dropped a clanger that would even have had the fake tan-clad beauties on Paddy McGuinness’ ITV equivalent turning their lights off. Mr Calinak, it transpired, had previously been in prison… for murdering his first wife… and a subsequent lover.

At the age of 17, Mr Calinak eloped with a woman who was involved in an arranged marriage. The family of her supposed husband-to-be found out about the couple and jealousy and distrust led Mr Calinak to kill his first wife.

He served a shortened sentence before being released and remarrying. He later separated from his new wife and embarked on an affair with a married woman who swore she would leave her husband for him. When his latest lover went back on her word, Mr Calinak says he “accidentally” killed her when he “swung the axe”. Don’t you hate it when that happens?

The misguided Romeo was released early once again under Government amnesties and now says he is a changed man. Appearing on the show on Turkish channel Flash TV, Mr Calinak said it was his destiny and he did all because of jealousy – but that he is now “an honest man”.

He applied to appear on the show in a bid to find a new love but as his story shockingly unravelled, the host asked him to leave and the orderly queue of women waiting to be wooed by the axe-wielding Lothario was promptly dispersed.

Watch the flabbergasting footage from Flash TV below: