Study Links Eye Colour to Alcoholism


People often say their partner’s eyes are the part of them that they’re most attracted to. Well make sure you get a proper look at them, because a new study has suggested that eyes are more than the gateway to someone’s soul.

According to scientists at the University of Vermont, there is a clear correlation between someone’s eye colour and their propensity to become an alcoholic. And to summarise the three years of hard genetic research they’ve completed, what the boffins found is that people with blue eyes are more likely to enjoy a tipple or two… or three… or 10.D

awei Li, the university’s assistant professor of microbiology and molecular genetics led the study along with Arvis Sulovari, a doctoral student in cellular, molecular and biological sciences.

The research began back in 2012, when Li attempted to create a data base of 10,000 Americans of mixed descent who had all been diagnosed with at least one psychiatric illness or an addiction like alcohol dependency. As the study progressed Li whittled the sample size down to the 1,263 people who had struggled with alcohol addiction.

It was at this stage that Li made the discovery that there was a link between eye colour and an addiction to booze. However, Li states that his team still don’t know why people with blue eyes are more likely to be alcoholics, with him and the team now preparing to do further research into why this might be the case.

Meanwhile, for those with blue eyes, it’s probably best to keep a lid on that drinking habit… ah screw it, being drunk is fun!

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Angry Dwarf Jailed for Pretending to be a Dalek and Threatening to ‘Exterminate’ Carers


Ian Salter-Bromley is quickly making himself known as the missing eighth dwarf: Angry. He was probably ostracised by Snow White and her vertically challenged septet because of his rather serious anger management issues.

Indeed, the 55-year-old dwarf makes Disney’s Grumpy seem like a bowl full of rainbows – his latest misdemeanour involves impersonating a Dalek from Doctor Who (by sticking a sucker dart to his head, obviously) and then threatening to “exterminate” two carers. The incident ended with the British man being tasered by police… twice.

Salter-Bromley, who stands at just four feet tall, had to appear in Hull Crown Court for a hearing about his anger issues. The judge heard that while the dwarf had been friendly when the carers first visited his sheltered housing complex, things soon soured, with the man aggressively threatening to kill the carers before then barricading the door to his flat and having a stand off with police.

When police did break into his home the he was found standing with a 20-centimetre knife and was apparently so angry that the “veins were sticking out of his neck”.

But this is just one of the many things Salter-Bromley has done. His escapades have been such that they have eventually landed him a nine-month jail term. He is also reported to have carried out a dirty protest – smearing poo and urine into his local council’s offices – because he was angry that the kitchen surfaces in his apartment were too high for him to reach, for which he received an ASBO.

Another time he was found guilty of possession of a knife after he threatened a woman when her children had been making fun of his height on a bus.

Recorder David Gordon told the dwarf when issuing his prison sentence: “Individually, these aren’t the most serious offences, but together they take on a different complexion.

“You would have been jailed for longer if it hadn’t been for your disabilities.

“I appreciate you are isolated and have an extremely lonely life, which makes you frustrated. But now you have time behind bars to reflect and try to keep your temper under control.”

Shocking Footage Shows the Moment a Man Poos in the Middle of a Public Arcade

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Gambling can be a dangerous, filthy habit. And if you were ever in any doubt of that, new footage has emerged that proves just how dirty this addiction can be.

CCTV cameras have captured the moment a man was so addicted to playing on slot machines that he couldn’t even tear himself away to go to the toilet.

The exact identity of the man in question or where the scene takes place is not known, but what is perfectly clear is that he has a serious gambling problem. As you can see from the video below, the man gets the call of nature while playing on the machine but chooses not to part company with the game, instead walking a solitary few paces to the corner of the public amusement arcade, dropping his trousers and ridding himself of whatever bowel movements were bothering him.

To make the already shocking scene even more startling, having returned to the slot machine the mystery gamer realises there is still more to come. Again, rather than searching out the nearest toilet or even returning back to the corner he used the first time he simply squats right next to where he is playing and plops out another bit.

Was that enough to make the man sheepishly sneak out of the arcade? No, he kept button bashing away. Watch the footage below:


Man Jailed for Shooting Himself in the Foot… On Purpose… Twice

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Shooting yourself in the foot: to do something without intending to which spoils a situation for yourself.

We’ve all shot ourselves in the foot at time or another, in the metaphorical sense. But one man has taken the expression a little too literally and quite literally blasted a hole in his foot with a gun.

Why? Because he wanted to know what it would feel like, obviously.

Adam Hirtle is the inquisitive man in question. When investigators quizzed the 30-year-old about where his gunshot wound had come from – as they do when such a patient enters a hospital with an injury like this – he nonchalantly told them he did it because he was curious how it would feel.

Wanting to know what it feels like to be shot ranks right up there alongside ‘I wonder what cyanide tastes like’ and ‘Do you think I could fit my whole head in a tiger’s mouth?’ as a question it’s just best not to know the answer to.

The police were not sure what to do when it turned out that the reported ‘accidental gun discharge’ was anything but an accident. However, said that the Colorado resident has been arrested on suspicion of a prohibited use of weapons, reckless endangerment and child abuse, because one or more kids may have been in the vicinity when he fired the gun.

Another news network, Fox News, revealed that Hirtle used a .22 caliber, semi-automatic handgun. He reportedly stood in his garage, took his boot off, shot himself in the foot, put his boot back on, and shot himself in the same foot again. All because of a morbid fascination with how it would feel.

His injuries were not life-threatening but his foot, one would safely assume, is looking a little worse for wear. So there’s your lesson kids – don’t try this at home!

Sometimes Adam, ignorance is bliss. So is the ability to walk and not being in prison. So maybe don’t shoot yourself in the foot, yeah?

You’ve Been Pooing Wrong Your Whole Life, Says Science


One of the first things that we, humans, learn to do as a child is defecate… ok, so we don’t ‘learn’ how to do it per se – there is not an instruction manual, parents are not performing a demonstration for their young child to follow – but it is fair to say that we get to grips with pooing pretty much from day one.

Well, prepare to see the very foundations of your worldly beliefs crumble right before your eyes as we tell you that you don’t actual know how to poo. That’s right, you’ve actually been doing it wrong your whole life.

Don’t take our word for it – it’s science; Giulia Enders, who is currently studying for her doctorate in microbiology in Frankfurt, has written her debut book entitled Darm mit Charme, which translates as Charming Bowels, obviously.

In the book, which has sold a not-to-be-scoffed-at 200,000 copies in her native Germany, Ms Enders provides the reader with detailed descriptions of how you should really be releasing your digested food matter. And yes, fear not, there are plenty of pictures. Plenty.

Step one: don’t sit down. The act of sitting, rather than going for a leisurely squat, prolongs the whole faeces-passing process. And while the invention of smartphones means that many people are in no rush to relieve themselves, taking a long time to go number two can actually lead to haemorrhoids and bowel diseases like diverticulitis.

Indeed, bathroom squatting is standard practice across Asia, and the facts suggest that it is a far healthier (and many would say cleaner) way to go poop.

And it’s not just how you should pass waste – Ms Enders also focuses on when you should deposit the leftovers and what should be in it. That’s right, from what constitutes a healthy, poo-friendly diet through to understanding your daily bowel movement cycle, this German’s fascination with the brown stuff knows no bounds… the things people do in the name of science!

Surgeons successfully transplant ‘dead hearts’

1Surgeons at a Sydney-based hospital have performed a miraculous feat – bringing ‘dead hearts’ back to life and using them in two successful transplants.

The surgical team at St Vincent’s Hospital Heart Lung Transplant Unit’s work could have helped to put an end to the shortage in the number of organs able to be donated – something which has the potential to transform countless lives. Their work – which was achieved thanks to research carried out in conjunction with the Victor Chang Cardiac Research Institute – has been described as the ‘biggest heart transplant breakthrough’ in a decade.

Professor Peter MacDonald, director of St Vincent’s Hospital Heart Lung Transplant Unit, confirmed that a ‘heart in a box’ machine called the ex vivo organ care system (OCS) coupled with a new preservation solution created by researchers at the hospital and the Victor Chang Cardiac Research Institute allowed the dead hearts to be brought back to life following circulatory death (DCD). These measures allow the heart to be “reanimated, preserved and assessed” until the recipient is ready to receive it.

One of the recipients of the hearts was Campsie-based Michelle Gribilar, 57, who was suffering from congenital heart failure. She now says she “feels like she is 40” following the procedure. “I was very sick before I had it. Now I’m a different person altogether”.

What will humans look like in 100,000 years’ time?

It is estimated that Homo sapiens began to evolve into what we would recognise as ‘early man’ around 300,000 years ago. In the intervening period – a mere blink in the Earth’s history – humankind has changed in numerous and substantial ways.

We have got taller, we stand more upright, we have less pronounced brows and generally sport a little less body hair. But such is the transformation our species has undergone in this time, that we are bound to ask the question of what we will look like in the distant future.

Well, Washington University has used computational genomics to predict just that. The results, which you can see below, are somewhat bizarre.

While there is going to be little change over the next 20,000 years, by the time we reach the year 102014 there are going to be some odd alterations. Most prominently our eyes are going to be far larger, almost resembling something out of a Japanese Manga comic. This is supposed to accommodate are growing use of technology, particularly wearable teams like Google Glasses.

Nickolay Lamm, who led the study, also predicted that our skin is going to become far darker to help protect us from harmful UV rays. Furthermore, denser hair is predicted to insulate our larger heads while nostrils will also increase in size to make breathing in potentially less suitable environments easier.

In reality, this can only ever be speculation, one possible outcome should human life continue down a particular path. Nevertheless, it is intriguing to imagine the subtle ways in which we will continue to adapt to the modern world we have created for ourselves; assuming we don’t all blow each other to pieces long before then.

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How we will look in 20,000 years

Human evolution – today, 20,000 years’ time, 60,000 years’ time and 100,000 year’s time


Mother of four gobbles up rivals in burger eating contest

This looks delicious... can I have 25 more please?!

This looks delicious… can I have 25 more please?!

When you think of eating contests, you probably imagine rows of impressively obese men hunched over a mound of hot dogs showing a complete disregard for the importance of mastication.

It might surprise you, therefore, to see the latest winner of the coveted Z-Burger’s Independence Burger Eating Contest, Molly Schuyler. The slight, unassuming woman is renowned on the eating contest circuit but still surprised everyone when she inhaled 26 burgers in the 10-minute time limit to become the first person without a Y chromosome to claim the trophy, bagging $1,500 prize money in the process too.

Molly boasts an impressive gastronomical CV; she once scoffed 363 chicken wings in 30 minutes. Speaking after the Z-Burger eat-off, she said: “Most girls won’t do it because they think it’s gross but I have no shame.”

The mother of four, who tips the scales at a meager 120 pounds (eight-and-a-half stone), has also noshed down a 72-ounce steak, three kilograms worth of burgers and a giant five-pound pizza (not all at the same time, it should be noted) to win eating contests across the US.

But in a career of such gluttonous highs, this latest victory is sure to taste sweeter than the rest. Take a look at the woman in action…

Student reborn out of stone vagina

Imgur/ Erick Guzman

Imgur/ Erick Guzman

We all enter the world kicking and screaming from our mother’s lady parts. Magical, maybe, but not the most pleasant experience all the same.

Luckily, while the parents may never forget it, the child has no memory of the birthing experience. Well, that all changed for one unfortunate man.

Goaded on by his mates, an unnamed US exchange student in Germany climbed into a stone vagina. However, no sooner had he crammed himself inside the rocky imitation of a woman’s nether regions than he found himself impossibly stuck.

Helplessly caught inside the sculpture of the sexual orifice, which stands outside the microbiology and virology department of Tübingen University, our anonymous victim of peer pressure had no choice but to call emergency services for help while his friend (thankfully) took a picture (which has since gone viral). Help came in the form of a 22-strong team of firefighters who reported to the scene of the incident to pull the fully-grown male from the oversized birthing canal.

No damage was done to either the art installation – that has a value of almost £100,000 – or the born again student, although his self-esteem might have taken a bit of a beating.

The fire crew’s report simply reads: “A person trapped in a stone vulva”. All in a day’s work.

Imgur/ Erick Guzman

Imgur/ Erick Guzman

Have scientists found the key to eternal youth?

The vampire theory - proving that children really are our future

The vampire theory – proving that children really are our future

It was hard to ever see anything positive coming out of a sparkly-skinned Robert Pattinson prancing around after a moody teenage girl (for three whole films!). But it seems that the world’s subsequent obsession with all things vampire over recent years might finally have yielded something worthwhile.

The so-called ‘vampire theory’ states that young blood could reverse the effects of ageing and scientists in the US have put it to the test. Remarkably, three independent studies published this week have all indicated that there is truth behind it.

The Harvard Stem Cell Institute, Stamford University and the University of California each found that by putting young blood in the body of an older creature, you can rejuvenate brain and muscle tissues.

By testing on mice – naturally – the lab boffins founds that a protein named GDF11, which is also present in humans, was the key to tissue restoration. By having more of it in your blood, as young people do, humans could theoretically reverse age-related declines in memory and learning, brain function, muscle strength and stamina.

The publication of these significant scientific findings are being met with a word of caution not to try this at home. So, in the constant fight against wrinkles, if people have a gruesomely ageing portrait of themselves covered in the attic perhaps don’t throw it away just yet.

But for those worried that their salad days are well and truly behind them, it is advisable to keep in the good books of any grandchildren with a better birthday present offering than a pair of socks – they could prove an invaluable resource in the future. Alternatively, maybe think about investing in a large collection of pet mice.