Hell hath no fury like a Game of Thrones fan whose favourite character has just died. Don’t believe us? Just take a look at the reaction to the hit show’s season five finale.
So, it was traumatic viewing for anyone with even just a partial interest in the series. Stannis’ died; Sansa and Reek jumped off a wall in a bid to escape from Winterfell dead or alive; Arya brutally murdered Meryn Trant before going blind; Myrcella died in Jamie’s arms; Cersei did the ultimate walk of shame (naked, obviously) before being greeted by the mute Mountain; Daenerys comes across a giant hoard of Dothraki; and then, as if all that was not enough, Jon Snow is stabbed (a lot) by his fellow men of the Night’s Watch for being a ‘traitor’.
Even a relatively uneventful episode of Game of Thrones will trigger a mass onslaught of social media activity, so with season five episode 10 arguably being the most outrageously drama-packed 60 minutes to date, it is no surprise that Twitter almost went into a melt down.
But through all the memes and the questionable hashtags on display, our favourite form of venting was the tweets sent to Olly (Brenock O’Connor), who was responsible for luring the beloved Jon Snow (once Olly’s friend and mentor) to his death, before himself delivering the final stab wound to the chest.
As we said, hell hath no fury like a Game of Thrones fan whose favourite character has just died. And below is the evidence; take a look at some of the tweets poor Brenock received after the show aired. To be fair, the young actor took the abuse well, retweeting his favourites and laughing along with the fury his character’s betrayal had caused…